Hello MSC Families:
I am writing this message now, as an early season reminder, that there will be zero tolerance when it comes to referee abuse! This abuse can come from players, coaches, and spectators alike and no matter what it will be dealt with swiftly and severely. The entire soccer community (Western Pennsylvania and perhaps beyond) has a major shortage of referees and many have decided not to continue to referee soccer matches due to abuse. This is causing issues, so much so, that your athletes' games may be altered or cancelled due to not having enough referees to make the matches official. Many of these referees are between the ages of 14 and 18, and are still children. Below is a stern statement from one of the Directors from PA West, who is our governing authority. MSC agrees with this statement wholeheartedly and will react accordingly if any such abuse occurs.
Unfortunately, I need to send this e-mail to ALL teams. This past weekend, there were several issues with spectators not behaving in a sporting behavior. Please understand that you, as the coach of your team, are responsible for your fans behavior. If you can't control your fans, either forfeit the rest of your games or find a way to curb the abuse. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE are the referees out to get you or your team. Are they going to make a mistake? ABSOLUTELY! Just like every player on the field and every coach on the bench! None of us are perfect. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should ANY spectator be making comments to any referee. This pathetic behavior needs to end as of NOW. Starting today, the first time that I get a complaint about spectators (and coaches) verbally abusing a referee, that team will be on probation. The second time for ANY team, they will no longer have games on the schedule. If you have ANY complaints/comments, PLEASE contact me. I will be more than happy to discuss this issue.
Ed Antonucci
PAWest Soccer
Division 4 Director
Should anyone have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me to discuss.
Let's keep this, and all future soccer seasons a fun success for all of the children, both playing and refereeing!
Thank you,
Tony Pokusa
MSC President